Welcome to The HC Porch, Scatico’s first-ever, off-season podcast hosted by Boys’ Head Counselor Cory Schwartz and Head of the Arts Program Ken Vallario.
This project was born in an unusual and stressful time— during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S.— as we all found ourselves spending lots of time indoors, and in extra need of that dose of Scatico magic and connection. And so, Ken and Cory came up with the idea of a podcast, a space to bring Scaticonians together, and to provide some food (camp food, chicken patties, if you will) for thought. As Ken puts it so succinctly in the first episode, “It’s like we’re starting summer early.”
Over the summer the HC Porch, on both Boys and Girls Side, is a place of gathering. Both the formal kind of gathering— “all Inters meet for 3rd period on the HC Porch,” “Cookies will be distributed from the HC Porch,” “Results will be posted on the HC Porch”— and the organic— sitting and joking before a meal, squeezing in a game of chess or a bracelet making session, chatting until well after Taps has blown. True to its namesake this podcast, too, will be a place of gathering. A place to share ideas and stories, a place to reminisce and laugh, and a place to get pumped for the 100th summer ahead.
Listen, and enjoy….
EPISODE 1- Guest Kerri Winderman
Cory and Ken introduce us to the show and discuss “first days” at Scatico. Other discussion highlights include special guest Girls Head Counselor Kerri Winderman; the moment Kerri and Cory realized they were “returning”; top throwback Scatico idiosyncrasies, and new traditions; a recurring “Top 10 Scatico questions” rapid fire; “Questions with Quinn Croland” with real world and Scatico trivia. Featuring intro song from Jamie Hamburg and transition songs by Center Kylie Yurdin, the Greeley family (Jane, Kate and Julie!), and Jake Zirolli on the clarinet!
EPISODE 2- Guest Danny Rosen
Cory and Ken talk about the beauty of downtime at camp, and all of the bonding, games, creativity, and memory-making that happen in the organic in-between moments. As Cory says, “It’s going along with what’s going on, and enjoying it.” Highlights include special guest Danny Rosen and the making of “awesome moments,”why being a counselor is some of the best job training out there, and a little something called Funkalstick. Also featuring “Top 10 Scatico questions”; “Trivia with Quinn Croland”; intro song from Jamie Hamburg; and transition songs by Sam Ryan, Denali Cather, and Evyn Lobel.
EPISODE 3- GuestS Brett Bockstein, Aidan Rogers and Allie Putzer
Cory and Ken interview 2019 Upper Seniors Brett Bockstein and Aidan Rogers, and CIT DL Kate Rosenfeld interviews 2019 Sooper Allie Putzer. Highlights include lessons learned over long camper careers; breakthrough divisional moments; a tied Color War Rope Burn and the magic of Friday Night Services; and a special birthday surprise. Also featuring “Top 10 Scatico questions” (with a bonus 10 questions!); “Trivia with Quinn Croland” (send answers to new email address podcast@scatico.com!); intro song from Jamie Hamburg; and transition songs by Kylie Yurdin, Kerri and Tyler Winderman, Chef Ally and Judd, and Jake Zirolli!
EPISODE 4- Guest Teddy Lydon
Cory and Ken speak to a very special guest, the mononymous… Teddy! Offering a rarely-heard perspective on camp, highlights include Teddy’s first Scatico memories; craziest maintenance sheet requests; the first signs of summer; camp wildlife and weather phenomenon; the number of gallons of paint it takes to set up camp; and his dream camp project. Also featuring “Top 10 Scatico questions” (with a bonus 10 questions!); “Trivia with Quinn Croland” (send answers to new email address podcast@scatico.com!); intro song from Jamie Hamburg; and transition songs by Denali Cather and Jake Zirolli.
EPISODE 5- Guests laura Gold + Ishai Eshed
Cory and Ken talk camp with Laura Gold and Ishai Eshed! Highlights include the joke to return to camp that became a reality, how camp has stayed the same yet changed, quarantine life in Ecuador, and figuring out who you are at Scatico. Also featuring “Top 10 Scatico questions”; “Trivia with Quinn Croland” (send answers to new email address podcast@scatico.com!); intro song from Jamie Hamburg; and new transition songs from 2019 boys sing! Ken is looking for new “camp sounds” for transitions, so record yourself and send to podcast@scatico.com!
EPISODE 6- Guests audrey fleischner + Mark gretenstein
Cory and Ken talk to Audrey Fleischner and Mark Gretenstein! Highlights include what it’s like quarantining at camp; working as teachers virtually these past weeks; what it was like growing up at Scatico (for Audrey) and another camp (for Mark); infusing creativity and new ideas into camp programming; creating camp culture; and the love of working with kids. Also featuring “Top 10 Scatico Questions”; “Trivia with Quinn Croland”; intro song with Jamie Hamburg; and new transition songs from the Greeley ladies. Also CALL TO ACTION— we’re looking for music for next week’s special “radio” podcast. Covers, original songs, musical instruments (or not)… we want it all! Send audio filed to podcast@scatico.com by Thursday May 7.
EPISODE 6.5- guests Ryan Derasse + Kornel Nemeth
In a special mini mid-week episode, Cory and Ken talk to Ryan Derasse and Kornél Németh (all the way from Hungary!) about one of the most epic activities in their memories—Kornel and Eustache’s 2018 Bar Mitzvah. Highlights include a behind-the-scenes look at what it took to put the activity together; the little details that set a great activity apart; getting the entire boys campus involved and pumped; and the magic and feeling of becoming a member of the Scatico family (even as a first-time Sub, with so-so English).
Music is such an integral part of camp culture. For this special Sunday night edition of the Scatico Podcast, Cory and Ken sent out a call for submissions and Scaticonians of all ages (staff, campers, and alum) answered!
Here’s the set list:
9 Square Commercial- Zach Wayne (DL + Upper Senior 2014)
Backward Down the Number Line by Phish (Winning Sub Senior Sing Song) - Jamie Hamburg (Former Music Counselor + Upper Senior 2012)
Sun Butter Commercial- Zach Wayne
Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen- Jojo Roses (Inter 2020)
1984 Lower Hill Winning Sing Song Made up Version of “Bad Bad Leroy Brown”- 1989 Upper Seniors Howard Luks and Randy Goldstein, 1989 Upper Seniors Justin Lapatine (Fly) + Mike Samuels and their 1984 DL Billy Goldner
Lake Placid Commercial- Zach Wayne
Cous Cous Chant- Nicki and Audrey Fleischner
Yamaha Golf Cart Commerical- Zach Wayne
Ukelele Mashup- Aneta Toufarova (Support Staff since 2017!)
Scatico Garden Commerical- Bryce Holden (DL + Upper Senior 2013) + Matt Stuttman (DL + Upper Senior 2015)
Leaving on a Jet Plan by John Denver- Halle + Gaby Phillips (Soopers 2014)
The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell - Jamie Segal (Sooper 2013)
The Basics of Basketball Commerical- Zach Wayne
Jesus Etc. by Wilco- CJ Ditkoff (Former Music Counselor + Upper Senior 2012)
The Scatico 10- Cory Schwartz
Original song by Kate Greeley (Counselor + 2018 Sooper)
Cory and Ken talk to Nicki Fleischner! Highlights include discussion of Scatico virtual activities (and just how we snagged that Southside Johnny cameo); the big 1-0-0 summer; life in the DR and the evolution of CIT summer; and lots of love for the Scatico Playhouse and Evening Activites. Plus “Top 10 Scatico Questions”; “Trivia with Quinn Croland”; intro song with Jamie Hamburg; and new transition songs from Zach Wayne, Jojo Roses, and CJ Ditkoff.