Summer 2022, Week 6

Walking camp today, the unmistakeable buzz of Color War was in the air! Campers are all decked in green and grey, and all-in on their activities (or, when not doing activities, cheering). From the Girls Track Meet up on the Hill to the Boys Swim Meet down at the lake… the energy of Color War is totally one-of-a-kind.

For our last blog post of 2022 (!!) we are going to give a small taste of Color War— the Girls Sing (which was last night) and the Boys Break (which was 8/6)! Full Color War albums will be posted after Closing Day!


On Girls Side, the first event of Color War is the Sing! All week the teams have been preparing: learning songs and working on art projects and advanced prep (articles each group writes). The Sing is a culmination of the week’s hard work! The Soopers and Seniors work doubly hard, painting scenery backgrounds to be displayed in the Girls Social Hall that represent their team themes. This year, it is Green Muppets Show versus Grey Central Perk (of FRIENDS fame)!

During the Sing, each team present 5 songs: Entrance, March, Cheer, Folk Song, and Alma Mater. And the Soopers and Seniors write all of the songs except the Folk!

Congratulations to Grey who won the Sing overall… though Color War remains anybody’s game!


Boys Color War breaks a few days after girls as they don’t have to work on Sing prep! On Saturday night, the boys prepared for the concert of a lifetime… SCATFEST! Several acts served as headliners, including Scatico band “Ishai and the Lifeguards,” Jane and Jamie, and Carly and Jeremy. Between each headliner, boys rushed to the social hall for a DJ music session. There were tickets, JCs served as “bouncers”… it was all very official!

During the last DJ music session, as Sinatra’s “New York, New York,” transitioned into “Empire State of Mind,” counselors pulled a rope which dropped Green and Grey balloons from the Social Hall ceiling. Everyone knew it was… time to rush to the A Court!!

Division by division boys head to the center of the court for a game of “dodgeball,” and then line up in front of their DL as they get out. Once everyone is out, one by one, DLs read aloud their campers’ names and what team they are on! Those on green rip of their shirts (which are white and thus representative of grey) and those on grey rip off their shorts (which are green). The Upper Seniors go last!

Once the teams are assembled it’s time to announce the Generals!! Beyond Upper Senior Captains and Co-Captains, each team has three counselor generals who help guide and coach them throughout Color War. Congratulations to the Green Generals— Oliver Lenthall, Manny Jacobson and Henry Lilienfeld— and the Grey— Michael Ocsher, Brett Simons, and Jonah Levine!

Want to know what team your camper(s) is/are on? Check out the boys side splits here.