Spring 2022, Edition 101, Issue #3
The Final Countdown
What makes a great camp photo? This question came to mind as I sorted through pictures from last summer to use in this final Camper Newsletter issue of the 2021-22 school year. Some answers surfaced immediately. Spectacular connections with nature: a radiant sunset sparkling the lake; the resident bald eagle perched on a limb overlooking the dining room; or a double rainbow embracing the sky above the driving range. Pivotal moments at an activity: a drive for a game-winning basket; a singer at the 4th of July Talent Show taking the high note even higher; or a neck-and-neck finish at a full-camp Track Meet.
But another, more subtle, category of “great camp photo” emerged. I put these under the heading of: “there’s a story being told here, but if I didn’t go to camp I might not have any clue what it is.” To explain....
I found photo after of photo of campers exhibiting pure joy or intense concentration (or both). There’s an action taking place and fellow campers in the background watching transfixed. There’s a story to tell, but probably one that most people away from camp would need footnotes to decipher. There’s the moment just before graduating campers find out which Color War team they’re on. There’s Greasy Watermelon and Hungry Hippo. There’s an epic mudslide on campus. (Well, maybe that last one requires no explanation.) Memorable moments in any summer come in all shapes and sizes. It’s the wonder of the natural world. It’s the exuberance of a camper competing in sports or creating an art project. It’s an annual tradition honoring personal growth and the passage of time over the course of a season. And it’s also something that’s invented. Or spontaneous. That’s simple, scaled down, and embraced by the community.
The summer of 2022 will bring it’s own magic both large and small, built on foundations set in years passed and in invention still to be imagined.

Welcome to Scatico—Class of 2022
As of this writing, we have 63 new campers this summer (including SITs) traveling to camp from everywhere from New York to California, Connecticut to Colorado, Spain and Ecuador to (a first for Scatico) Kenya! We are so excited to welcome these first-time Scaticonians and their families. They will account for more than 20 percent of the entire camper population.
Staying In Touch
The final Staying In Touch column of the 2021-22 off-season. When next we “meet” it won’t be through the Newsletter, but in the 12523 (a certain zip code)....
Nothing makes us happier than a report of a Random Scatico Sighting (RSS).... A first ever RSS while competing in a High School track meet? Bunkmates Denali Cather and Alex Rose found themselves lined up next to each other when competing in a hurdles race at Randall’s Island in New York City.... Continuing the bunkmate-RSS-sports theme—Jonah Cooper and George Max at a basketball tournament in New Jersey; and Teddy Gourevitch and Marlon Reitzes at a Larchmont/ Mamaroneck Little League game....
Denali and Alex
Jonah and George
Teddy and Marlon
RSSes on vacation: Divisionmates Lucas Nestler and Ezra Elkin in the Dominican Republic; and current and former staff (and two sets of siblings) Katie and Danny Corren and Ethan and Jeffrey Rosenberg at a Dave Matthews concert in Mexico. Katie, a counselor and yoga instructor at Scatico in 2018 and 2019, returns this year as a division leader; Ethan is back for a second year on staff in 2022....
Lucas and Ezra
Jeffrey, Katie, Danny and Ethan
Ally and Chef Jim
In non-RSS news.... Chef Alert! Chef Ally (Lipton MacArthur) visited Chef Jimmy (Wexler) at his family’s bakery, Two Fat Cookies, in February. A former camper (1989 Sooper), Ally will run the Culinary Program for an 8th summer in 2022. For Jimmy, this year will mark his 16th season as the camp’s Executive Chef. The Wexler Delray Beach, FL, food empire will grow this summer to include a nearby storefront location for Death by Pizza (previously housed within the bakery), which specializes in Detroit Style Pizza (think pizza with all of the ingredients added in reverse order)....
Rosie, Eva + Syvlie
Scatico’s two Pittsburgh campers, cousins Eva and Rosie Marcus, met divisionmate Sylvie Eichel at Hersheypark (about midway between the Steel City and New York) for a spring weekend....
Thanks to the 2022 Senior Boys and graduating Soopers and Upper Seniors for sending in photos of recent divisional get-togethers....
Thanks also to everyone who contributed to Staying In Touch throughout the school year. Next stop Elizaville!

Above: Graduating Soopers and Upper Seniors at a Brooklyn reunion. Preparing to become Junior Counselors in 2023, they will participate in a weeklong service project in New Orleans in partnership with Westcoast Connection and SBP (a non-profit founded in 2006 to support the community after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina). Jane Rosenfeld, who began her Scatico career as a camper in 2004, returns for her 17th summer and will serve as a trip leader. Danny Schiff will be the trip leader for Westcoast Connection. Danny previously headed Scatico CIT trips run by Westcoast Connection in the early 2000s.
News from Elizaville
Tower cracked the Top Ten list at #10. Steve Lewanick returns to head the program along with climbing assistants Josue Lora, Ashley Mazarin, and Mason Lava. The program adds a new high element with three challenge activities: Flying Squirrel, Nitro Swing, and Bean Pole.
As we say often at camp, life should never be about the things and the stuff, but about the people. When we think ahead to the summer of 2022, we are so grateful for all of the staff returning to camp year after year to help create the magic. At last count, we will have 48 staff at camp this year who have spent 10 or more summers in the 12523. They represent more than 25 percent of the entire staff and include 10 who began their Scatico careers in the 1900s (not to make anyone feel too old!). (Editor’s note: the 4 Camp Doctors who started their camper careers in the 1980s are not included in the count.)
For Parents
As a reminder, we need all luggage to arrive at camp no later than June 18. You can drop off duffels and trunks anytime between June 1 and June 18 at the main office.
If you haven’t already, upload your vaccine cards on the Camper Portal.
On Opening Day, parents will not be going up to the cabins with their campers, so don’t bring anything more than they are able to carry themselves. You can also ship luggage by UPS or FedEx to: Camp Scatico, 1558 County Route 19, Elizaville, NY, 12523.
Survey Says....
In the last issue of the Camper Newsletter we shared 2021 Camper Survey results with regards “Favorite Special Events” (start with Color War, Divisional Sing, and the 4th of July) and “Favorite Meals” (Chicken Nuggets with Mac & Cheese just nudging out Chicken Patties and Pizza). Now we take a look at the top ten Favorite Activities, combining totals from both sides camp and across all program areas. The activity “scored a point” if it finished among a camper’s favorite top three choices.

Baseball and softball*
*Includes a lot of votes for Twilight League.
**A sport perhaps played at only one summer camp in the entire world!

Who’s not ready for the July 4th BBQ, Talent Show, and Fireworks?