Visit Us!
We’d love to show you first-hand Scatico’s property and facilities. Scatico Directors are available year-round, during weekdays and weekends, to conduct tours. You’ll be able to see a camper bunk, a wide range of facilities, and get a feel for the Scatico experience.
In-summer we offer both private family tours and host a Rookie Day (more details below)!
Rookie Tour Day— Sunday, July 13, 2025
Our Rookie Tour Day is an opportunity for families interested in camp the following summer to get a taste of the Scatico experience, see our facilities, and meet key Scatico staff! Parents and guardians will get an in-depth tour, while prospective campers will get to participate in activities led by Scatico counselors. Lunch will be provided.
11:00 AM- Check in and Meet + Greet with Scatico leadership staff
11:30 AM- Family tours and camper activities! Campers will be split into one group of boys and one of girls, and go off with Scatico counselors to participate in activities and see camp facilities. At the same time, parents/guardians will have their own tour led by Scatico leadership staff.
1:00 PM- BBQ and Q+A