Camp Scatico Camp Scatico

Winter 2016-17, Edition 97, Issue 2

Maybe it’s the holiday season—a natural time of reflectionMaybe it was simply the process of tabulating 2016 camper survey results (sneaky plug for page 3 chart) with various rankings of favorite activities, favorite special events, favorite.... 


Maybe it’s the holiday season—a natural time of reflection. Maybe it was simply the process of tabulating 2016 camper survey results (sneaky plug for page 3 chart) with various rankings of favorite activities, favorite special events, favorite.... But, with 30-plus years of writing Scatico camper and alumni newsletters (taking over from my father in the early 1980s) somehow thoughts when writing this opening page pivoted (promised last use of a word from this political cycle) inward toward the newsletter itself. My favorite thing about the newsletter? Easy. The Random Scatico Sightings. The RSS.

I suppose a deep retreat into the archives would reveal when we first started regularly including RSSes in the camper and alumni newsletters, but there’s no doubt that these are the most fun stories to receive throughout the off-season. Recently, I was with an alumnus from the 1950s-70s who ran into a divisionmate whom he hadn’t seen in 49 years. Wonderfully, they were able to swap camp stories from the mid-1960s.

This issue’s 4 RSSes (see Wha’s Happenin’ column on page 2), include 3 with a 2016 graduating Upper Senior or Sooper connecting with a younger camper—from a street in Brooklyn to Madison Square Garden to outside “The Big House” in Ann Arbor before a University of Michigan football game.

These particular RSSes reflect some of what’s at the core of the Scatico experience. Memories that will last at least 49 years into the future.... The bonding across age groups.... The role that our older campers (particularly graduating Upper Seniors and Soopers) play in leading the camp and nurturing our younger campers.... The abundant sisterhood and brotherhood....

So keep sending in those reports of RSSes. It’s the kind of news that helps to quicken the pace of the “off-season” and make the “10” part of the “10 for 2” just a little more manageable. Longer and warmer days are just a few months away.... 

Left: Chef Ally with a few Sub Juniors. After a camper and counselor career in the 1980s- 90s, Ally returns in 2017 for her third summer as head of the Cooking Program.
Right: A different kind of Scatico culinary experience.... Emily gets set for the donut- eating contest at the Carnival as Avery looks on (maybe a little concerned?). 


Here’s our annual look at where campers live during the other 10 months (2017 enrollment as of January 1):

  • Westchester 29.3%
  • New Jersey 19.9%
  • New York City 17.1%
  • Long Island 12.2%
  • Connecticut 6.9%
  • Other* 4.1%
  • Florida 3.7%
  • International 3.4%
  • Metro DC/Balt. 3.4%

*Other includes California, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas. 


Welcome to the second Wha's Happenin' column of the 2015-16 off-season. For future issues, send along all Scatico news, non-news, and photos to 

Dylan and Jane. 

Dylan and Jane. 

As always, we’ll start with Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes). Our favorite for this issue of the Camper Newsletter? When Camp Sisters Dylan Schaeffer and Jane Greeley had their RSS moment on a street in Brooklyn this fall.

Sporting events (as fans and partici-pants) also provide great RSS potential. Jordan Klein and Shay Rubinson met at a Pitt-Michigan basketball game at Madison Square Garden. Windermans (Kerri and Tyler) and Vandercars (Sadie and Jake) connected while tailgating before a Michigan-Wisconsin football game in Ann Arbor; and divisionmates Matt Roban and Alec Vickers discovered that their Westchester County travel soccer teams were playing against each other in November....

Rachel and Lauren. 

Rachel and Lauren. 

And on to other non-RSS Scatico news.... Congratulations to 2016 Upper Senior Simon Mandel, who will play on the USA ice hockey team that will compete in August at the World Maccabiah Games in Israel.... 2016 CITs Rachel Trichon and Lauren Rosh met up at a Giants game in October.... Rachel Karlin's and Emily Holzer's travel soccer teams competed in the semi-finals of the New Jersey State Cup.... We are excited to welcome Daniel Douglass back for his second summer as a member of the photography staff. During the “off-season,” Daniel is working as an on-board photographer for the Ruby Princess (just in case you want to coordinate a vacation)....

2017 Upper Senior Reunion. 

2017 Upper Senior Reunion. 

Ketti, Lexi, Melanie, and Francine. 

Ketti, Lexi, Melanie, and Francine. 

Ten of sixteen 2017 Upper Seniors attended a reunion at Branden Rothenberg’s home in New Jersey, including Jack Klafter (all the way from Sandy Springs, GA). It’s never too early to plan for your graduating summer as a camper.... With 2016 CIT Melanie Krieger starting to take to the road to visit colleges (with Scatico office manager mom Ketti and big sister Francine), they tracked down division leader Lexi Schecter when they arrived at the University of Delaware....

Lots of “reunioning” at the Mazarins! If it didn’t involve a transatlantic flight, all of the 2016 Girl Debs and Inter Boys attended Ashley’s fall Bat Mitzvah. A week later, all of bunk 1-2 were at Josh's birthday party.

Ashley's Bat Mitzvah.

Ashley's Bat Mitzvah.

Josh's Birthday. 

Josh's Birthday. 

Survey Says...

Thanks to all who returned the summer of 2016 camper surveys. Below, we share your Favorite Activities. In the Spring Newsletter, we’ll travel to the Dining Room: 

Fireworks on the 4th of July. 

Fireworks on the 4th of July. 

The Boys Nat. 

The Boys Nat. 

Screen Shot 2017-01-04 at 7.43.53 PM.png
Jinters on the Gaga Court. 

Jinters on the Gaga Court. 


Though just in the planning stages.... Two new projects for the coming summer:

  1. A permanent flag football field. We’ll move the boys archery range to the open crest between the woodshop and campfire site and then excavate the woods between the former archery site and the ballfields to create a new playing field.

  2. A major renovation of the girls gymnastics building will create a new entranceway and improved activity area.

The discerning Scatico eye will also spot other additions/improvements, including bathroom renovations, new storage areas and activity supplies/equipment, and, yes, a 9-Square for boys side. 


We wanted to thank the nearly 100 campers and staff who donated footwear at the end of the 2016 summer to our collection for Soles 4 Souls. We’ll aim for even more donations of sneakers and sandals in 2017.

At the end of each camp season, we also donate any leftover food items (as well as shampoo and other toiletries) to the Elizaville Methodist Church to re- distribute to local families and received this nice note: “Thank you again for all of the food donated again to the pantry this year. All of the items are always needed and we are extremely grateful.”

Finally, a special shout-out to Sarah Feldman, who after last summer’s CIT Service Trip to the Domincan Republic to run a day camp for underserved children (in partnership with the DREAM PROJECT), began a drive in her school this fall to collect school supplies for the non-profit organization: “I just wanted to let you know of the progress of my collections for the DREAM PROJECT so far. I have collected about 10 Spanish books, over 100 pens and pencils, crayons, markers, 10 different folders, index cards, index card holders, calculators, and tons of loose-leaf paper. I am also having a bake sale to raise money to donate as well as for the shipping costs. My whole school has been very supportive and I hope I can do this again.” 

The Junior girls during Divisional Sing. 

The Junior girls during Divisional Sing. 

Mark Your Calendar

Open House: Saturday, June 10        

Opening Day: Saturday, June 24

Visiting Day: Saturday, July 15

Scatico-In-Training: Sunday, July 23 - Saturday, July 29

Closing Day: Saturday, August 12


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Camp Scatico Camp Scatico

Fall 2016, Edition 97, Issue #1

“Put it in the books” is the catchphrase of New York Mets’ radio announcer Howie Rose after the final out in a Mets’ victory. In baseball, unlike in most things in life, there are clear measurements of success in a game or over the course of a season. The final score? Number of wins? Did you make the Playoffs? The World Series?


The Summer of 2016— Put it in the Books 

“Put it in the books” is the catchphrase of New York Mets’ radio announcer Howie Rose after the final out in a Mets’ victory. In baseball, unlike in most things in life, there are clear measurements of success in a game or over the course of a season. The final score? Number of wins? Did you make the Playoffs? The World Series?

Well, what about camps? There are some quantitative measures, like camper return rates (and we are thrilled that Scatico’s exceeded 90 percent by October 1). We also appreciate the feedback provided by so many staff and campers who returned their 2016 surveys (still time to send back yours!) as well as the many nice letters and emails received from parents.

Opening tip of the girls' Nat Holman Basketball Tournament (Kasey showing some hops). 

Opening tip of the girls' Nat Holman Basketball Tournament (Kasey showing some hops). 

But beyond these tangible assessments (numbers to review, surveys and letters to read), the true measure of the value of a Scatico summer (and any camp experience) ideally makes itself apparent in how we live our day-to-day lives—skills learned (at activities or in group living), friendships formed, memories created, values fostered, and even challenges overcome. Oftentimes, the real impact (beyond just having fun) doesn’t immediately reveal itself, but emerges over time, is cumulative and seemingly never-ending. What are those experiences in your life that most positively shape the person you are and strive to be?

In an August 26th article in The Hollywood Reporter about how so many successful people in the entertainment industry have deep camp roots, a Scatico alumnus is quoted: “I’ll tell anyone who will listen that I learned everything I need to know at camp.” And what he is talking about has little to do with achievements at activities and everything to do with developing life skills and character—how to build a team, to maintain a positive attitude and give your best effort no matter what the challenge, to form meaningful friendships, to respect everyone in the community,…  

As one Scatico father wrote after the summer, “[We] are just so thankful for the environment that you have created for [campers] to grow, explore, and learn about themselves, as well as to learn how to be in the world. The variety of activities that are offered at camp is really pretty amazing,... but even better are the opportunities for young kids... to make strong friendships and to model [their] behavior after adults (young adults and those less young) other than [their] parents, and see how to be, how to act, how to create relationships and bonds that mean something, and feel good.”

So though the summer of 2016 may be forever “in the books,” we trust it will be a book that gets re-read and embraced over and over for many years to come. 

Lowe Hill Soccer League (Oz zeroing in on the ball). 

Lowe Hill Soccer League (Oz zeroing in on the ball). 


Nile and Noah 

Nile and Noah 

Welcome to the first “Wha’s Happenin’ ?” column of the 2016-17 off-season. As always, we’ll start with Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes)…. First of the off-season? On a postcamp family cruise aboard The Anthem of the Seas to New England and Canada, Noah Wagner spotted Nile Cather and sent in the photo to the right…. When coming off the field after trying out for teams in his flag football league in Manhattan in early September, Irwin Schwartz ran into Emmett Miller (who, a grade older, was getting set to try out for teams in his league)…. Attending the Mets’ wildcard playoff game, boys head counselor Cory Schwartz and cousins Jeff and Ethan Rosenberg had an RSS with fellow Mets fan and 2016 Upper Senior Ryan Ditkoff…. And, a final (slightly dated) RSS (although Scatico news is timeless), brothers Jon and Matt Gross met up with Josh Trichon at The Belmont Stakes in June. Three weeks later, Jon and Josh (former bunkmates) were co-counselors in the Sub-Juniors….

Cory, Ryan, Ethan, and Jeff 

Cory, Ryan, Ethan, and Jeff 

Matt, Josh, and Jon 

Matt, Josh, and Jon 

Marissa and Matt 

Marissa and Matt 

In other Scatico news (and thanks to the Gross boys for providing a lot  lot of copy!) fellow 2016 CITs Matt Gross and Marissa Stone met at the Penn State versus Michigan University football game in Ann Arbor. Marissa, a Michigan native, is a Wolverine fan; the Gross family’s Penn State roots span multiple generations. (If you’re wondering about the score, Michigan added to its all-time best win total in college football)… Jon Gross, a student at Penn State (surprise!) is continuing to pursue his passion for sports broadcast journalism. This fall, he’ll be doing radio play-by-play for the women’s volleyball team, which last season advanced into the third round of the NCAA Division I tournament….

Eden and Drew 

Eden and Drew 


Congratulations to Eden Miller, who returned from camp just in time to welcome to the world her new baby sister Drew… Ten of 16 Jinters came together in September at The Treat House in New York City for a joint birthday celebration for Parker Caldara, Sarah Moyal, Alexa Tannenbaum, and Eden Miller…. Assistant music head on boys side, CJ Ditkoff, performed at many Scatico events this past summer, including campfires, the 4th of July Talent Show, and Open Mic night. His first EP album is available online at CJ wrote all of the music and lyrics for the album, sings all of the lyrics, and plays all of the instruments (other than adding drums in one song)…. 

Jinters reunion 

Jinters reunion 

And, saving the best three news items for last... Sarah Feldman was so inspired by this summer’s service trip to run a day camp for underserved children in the Dominican Republic, that she is hosting a small fundraiser at her high school in Cheshire, CT, to send books and school supplies to the hosting organization, the DREAM Project…. For his Bar Mitzvah project, Ryan Derasse is collecting items and money for the Cove Animal Rescue Shelter (where his family has adopted 3 cats). The first family to donate? The Chaits (2016 one-week camper Zach with his parents and sister), who were at the Rosh Hashanah services when the project was announced. Moms Katie Mazarin Derasse and Dori Popkin Chait were both Scatico campers in the 1980s and 1990s….. And another fall shout-out to the Wilner sisters—Kasey and Sam—who with their parents have again helped organize a “Scatico” team to help raise money for the Charley’s Fund’s “Race Against Time” (October 16th in Central Park). The charity works towards finding a treatment and cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. For more information, contact Ellen Wilner (mom of Kasey and Sam) at 

Thanks for staying in touch! Send news, non-news, and photos (and nonphotos?) for the Winter issue of the Camper Newsletter to As a reminder, we only include info on Scatico get-togethers if the entire division is invited.

Last night of camp blues? You may not be able to recreate fully the banquet, awards ceremony, and campfire at home, but you can watch the closing-night Slideshow and Video Yearbook. Dim the room lights and pretend you’re lying on the Pavilion floor…. 

Uniquely Color War...

 A few of the many special events only seen during a certain 4 days towards the end of the summer. Above– Girls Color War Sing and Bucket Brigade. Below– Boys Boating Regata. 

For Parents...

Thanks to all of our families who took advantage of the early enrollment discount period. Our camper return rate for 2017 already exceeds 90 percent (including 5 divisions with 100 percent returns). Parent Bulletins starting in November will walk you through the process of getting ready for the summer, but don’t hesitate to contact us directly with any questions along the way.

Finally, if you are ever in the Elizaville area during the off-season and are thinking of stopping by camp, campers love seeing their second home during different seasons—fall foliage ringing the lake or along the treelined road; snow on the golf course for sledding… Just call or email when you’d like to make the trip. 

The 4th of July in Elizaville….

is always one of the best nights of the summer. Evening activity starts with a full-camp BBQ, to be followed by the annual Talent Show, and ends with divisions sitting together on the Golf Course (red-white-and-blue popsicles in hand) to watch a fireworks display. Above—Jake and Jane get set to host the 2016 July 4th talent show, the first fullcamp event at the new amphitheater. The Centers are ready for the night sky to light up. 

In the Next Issue of the Newsletter… 

  • Survey Results: This is a last call for camper and staff surveys... Favorite meals? Activities? Things you like best about Scatico? Suggestions for 2017? If you haven’t returned your survey yet, there’s still time.
  • News from Elizaville: We will bring you up to date on completed fall maintenance projects and capital plans for next season. 
Scatico’s winning under-13 1/2 tournament softball team

Scatico’s winning under-13 1/2 tournament softball team


Open House: Saturday, June 10

Opening Day: Saturday, June 24

Visiting Day: Saturday, July 15

Scatico-In-Training: Sunday, July 23 – Saturday, July 29

Closing Day: Saturday, August 12

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Camp Scatico Camp Scatico

Spring 2016, Edition 96, Issue #3

When is the exact moment when the approaching summer firmly starts to take shape in a camper’s mind? As a child growing up in the late 1960s, the youngest of 4, I think it may have been the day when the trunks were brought down from the attic and lined up along one wall in the dining room….

The Final Countdown….

When is the exact moment when the approaching summer firmly starts to take shape in a camper’s mind? As a child growing up in the late 1960s, the youngest of 4, I think it may have been the day when the trunks were brought down from the attic and lined up along one wall in the dining room. Opened up for the first time since the previous August, they emitted an odor distinctly camp. Next came the piles of green shorts and white t-shirts….

Hard trunks may have given way to soft duffels, yet I can imagine this scene being replayed today (just a few generations later) in homes across the off-season Scatico universe. I can also remember how it felt seeing those four trunks lined up. Excitement. Anticipation. And, yes, a little nervousness. Looking forward to seeing my camp friends and meeting my counselors…. Thinking about playing on basketball and baseball teams, but also helping to build campfires and canoeing across the lake…. Today, looking back on my camper years, it’s amazing how many memories are rooted in the experience of just living a simpler life and being outdoors. The embracing sensation of dusk settling across campus while finishing the day’s final activities; the chill of an August morning walk to the flag pole, bundled in a favorite sweatshirt and with the warmth of the sun on my face; the embers of a campfire drifting upwards and disappearing; the Big Dipper dominating the star-filled night sky….

On a recent home visit to welcome a first-time boy camper who lives in New York City, the dad was sharing with me how excited he was for his son. To paraphrase, he couldn’t wait for his son to experience all of the in-between times at camp, when he could be outdoors and with friends, whether walking to and from meals or throwing a tennis ball against the handball wall on campus during free play. At home, once the scheduled programs or family outings ended, he was back inside the apartment for the day.

So as campers spy those gradually-filling duffels (and maybe even a few hard trunks) on their respective living room floors, I hope they are not only anticipating the friendships and fun soon to come, but also the sunsets and star-filled night skies. 

Welcome To Scatico Class of 2016!

Zach Gluckstal, Noah Lowenthal, Tommy and Nate Hall, Zach Chait, Jed Greer, George Max, Elias Ranzer, Roy Goldstein, Jake Finkel, Etan Zerwitz, Matt Roban, Jarred and Chelsea Weisfelner, Jacob Meltzer, Eustace Cheyrou, Nathan Koehler, Emma Justus, Kate Miller, Eden Miller, Zoey and Shyaa Mendez, Marissa Miller, Alexa Tannenbaum, Bella Becker, Dylan Freeman, Natalie Korczak, Sage Wasserman, Charlotte Florin, Emily Pomerantz, Denali Cather, Gracie Klein, Addy Fienman, Spencer Zuckerman, Charlotte Mark, Samantha Gould, Scarlett Hartstein, Ingrid Irby, Philippine Barbe, and Isabela Colomb

Plus, 2015 one-week Scatico-in-Training campers returning for their first extended stay…. 

 Parker Caldara, Meryl Cooper, Maya Darel, Alex Googel, Jessica Hochberg, Fallon Krane, Tori Madison, Sarah Moyal, Dylan Schaeffer, Jesse Bockstein, Aaron Goldberg, Aidan Lapatine, Jasper Lilienfeld, Josh Mazarin, Dylan Schmeidler, and Bryce Yurdin. 

Mark Your Calendar

Open House for New Campers: Saturday, June 11 Opening Day: Saturday, June 25                                  Visiting Day: Saturday, July 16                                         Scatico-In-Training: Sunday, July 24, to Saturday, July 30                   Closing Day: Saturday, August 13

For Parents

By now you should have received our Forms Mailing and Parents Handbook. The following forms are required for all campers: Enrollment, Medical, Confidential, and Signature Sheet. Return paperwork to: Camp Scatico, PO Box 6, Elizaville, NY 12523. As a reminder, rather than mailing a Packing List, you can link to this on line from our homepage at

We hope to see all first-year campers (including this year’s oneweekers as well as our 2015 SITs returning for a longer session) at the June 11th Open House at camp. The program runs from 12:30 to 3:30PM and includes lunch. Have campers wear sneakers so they can participate in activities. You can bring luggage to the Open House as campers entering 6th grade and younger will be unpacked prior to Opening Day. 

Wha's Happenin'?

The final Wha’s Happenin’ column of the 2015-16 offseason... Thanks to the many contributors of news (and non-news) who helped Scaticonians near and far stay connected throughout the off-season. As always, let’s start with the latest reports of Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes)!

A double dip for Jared Googel, who first met divisionmates Eli Tannenbaum and Logan Cooper this winter at Gran Prix in Mt. Kisco and then in April found himself competing against Tyler Winderman in a Westchester soccer tournament…

Jared with Eli and Logan

Jared with Eli and Logan

Tyler and Jared

Tyler and Jared

Boys head counselor Cory Schwartz also recorded two RSSes. At an Islanders hockey game in March, he saw 2016 Inter Parker Edelman on the Jumbotron and then made his way over one section for a quick “hello.” In May, Cory was with girls head counselor Kerri Winderman following a Junior Counselor staff meeting in New York City when Lucy Mandel spotted them. Maybe a first-ever RSS for a camper and both head counselors?.... Through the magic of social media, brothers Michael and Jon Fischgrund realized that brothers (and respective bunkmates) Brett and Jared Simons were at the New York International Auto Show at the same time. The families connected and then had dinner together afterwards…. A brother-sister RSS!

Cory, Lucy and Kerri

Cory, Lucy and Kerri

Jared, Jon, Brett, and Michael

Jared, Jon, Brett, and Michael

Ryan, Max, Jamie, and Sam

Ryan, Max, Jamie, and Sam

Ryan and Samantha Derasse ran into Max and Jamie Silverman at the Manhasset train station…2016 CITs Rachel Trichon and Melanie Krieger had an RSS moment in the halls of Freeport High School on a March weekend. Rachel was there for a DECA conference; Melanie was playing in a basketball game…. Nothing quite like enhancing a vacation with an RSS. In January, Marissa Stone sent in this photo with Anna and Jane Rosenfeld taken in Turks and Caicos in January. A May graduate from Kenyon College, Jane returns for her 13th Scatico summer in 2016. After spending the last three seasons as a division leader, she will now run the girls’ side theater program….

Rachel and Melanie 

Rachel and Melanie 

Marissa, Anna and Jane

Marissa, Anna and Jane

Danny and Eric

Danny and Eric

Adam and Oz

Adam and Oz

Other Scatico news…. Aspiring doctor Danny Klyde (now a Sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania) spent part of his winter vacation visiting current camp doctor Eric Strauss in an operating room at NYU Langone Medical Center… When Adam Stiefel and family were in Los Angeles they made sure to visit his bunkmate (and L.A. native) Oz Rubinson…. High school senior Jamie Segal spent a weekend in February campaigning in New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton…. Junior counselor Mackenzie Press was featured in an article in The Bergen Record’s online publication. She led her high school basketball team into the quarter-finals of a Bergen County, New Jersey, tournament, scoring 20 points in the opening round and then hitting a buzzer-beater to give her team a 69-68 victory over a previously unbeaten opponent in the second round…. Lauren Kassin starred in the title role in her theater group’s production of “Aladdin”……

First year camper Ingrid Irby had a welcome-to-Scatico playdate with future divisionmates Emi Newman and Avery Lesser. (Thanks to camp doctor Jessica Newman for sending in the photo.)….Seven of last summer’s Centers made it to a division reunion at the Mystery Room in West Nyack….When Scatico caretaker Teddy Lydon traveled to the Final Four of the Men’s NCAA Basketball Tournament to see his cousin (and Elizaville native) Tyler Lydon play for Syracuse, he know there would be a Newsletter photo op with devout father-son Orangemen fans Gregg and Max Rosh. Gregg was a camper, counselor, and division leader in the 1980s-90s; Max (entering his 6th summer as a camper) finally ascends to the upper hill as an Inter in 2016. Tyler’s dad Tim is the contractor who oversaw the construction of Scatico’s new outdoor theater…. When sisters Sam and Kasey Wilner traveled recently to Cuba, they made certain to send back a photo in Scatico attire…. Bunkmates Cassidy Ditkoff and Jenna Miller were teammates in a March dance competition….

Avery, Emi and Ingrid

Avery, Emi and Ingrid

2015 Centers. Crime solved?

2015 Centers. Crime solved?

Teddy, Max, and Gregg

Teddy, Max, and Gregg

Scatico shirt in Havana! 

Scatico shirt in Havana! 

Cassidy and Jenna

Cassidy and Jenna

        Bryce (far left) in London

        Bryce (far left) in London

Jon Gross (a freshman at Penn State) continues his foray into broadcast journalism. This winter and spring he did radio play-byplay for the school’s Men’s Volleyball and Women’s Softball teams….When Bryce Holden traveled to London during the school year, he visited with his former counselors Ashley Jones and Matty Carroll. Ashley’s fiancé Dani Vaughan (2013 crafts counselor) joined the photo to the right (as did a non-Scatico friend of Matty’s—that’s the guy in the middle).By the time you read this, Matty and Kael Au (a counselor and division leader from 2008-13) will have been married Memorial Day weekend at camp (ceremony, weather permitting, at the girls campfire site). They met at Scatico in June 2008 and both will return for the summer of 2016.…. Talk about a perfect ending for another off-season of Wha’s Happenin’? columns. Next stop, Elizaville!  

Argentine Connection...

Sergio Rojas Tessel returns for his 5th summer in 2016 (4th as head of the girls tennis program). This past off-season he has been working as a tennis pro in Oman. Joining Sergio on the Scatico tennis courts are fellow Argentines Pao Zapiola, Feli Hirth, Laura Martinez Berruezo, and (on boys side) Fernando Garcia. For Pao and Feli it is summers 3 and 2 respectively in Elizaville. Both Laura and Fernando teach tennis year-round. If you’re keeping score at home, Aziz and Vinod will return to lead the boys tennis program (summers 22 and 17 for this Dynamic Duo). 

Soon to be seen at a camp near you…. Ken Vallario teaching an art class; Cory Schwartz coaching a baseball team. 

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Camp Scatico Camp Scatico

Winter 2015, Edition 96, Issue #2

On a visit to camp in early January, the temperature locked below 20 degrees in the first true freeze of the off-season, it seemed (okay, felt) like the kind of day to spend in the Admin office organizing the archives. 

News from Elizaville 

On a visit to camp in early January, the temperature locked below 20 degrees in the first true freeze of the off-season, it seemed (okay, felt) like the kind of day to spend in the Admin office organizing the archives. The excerpt below, from the February 1974 issue of the camper newsletter, written by my father—Irwin “Flick” Fleischner, speaks to the ongoing power of the Scatico experience—both connections to the land and, more importantly, friends and community. And yes, it did provide the motivation to bundle up for a walk around camp. I couldn’t resist re-printing…. 

Five Down -- Five to Go

There is a legend in Greek mythology that whenever Achilles found himself hard-pressed in battle he would touch earth, regain strength and spirit, and win the day. There are any number of practical applications of the legend; the idea of a vacation to “recharge batteries,” the pilgrimage to holy places, the need to rethink and reaffirm goals and values—all variations of the theme.

Camp directors have their own way of “recharging.” We come back in the fall somewhat drained from the excitement of the summer, reacting to the abnormal quiet, to the change from the total involvement of camp life. But the winter, far from the period of hibernation which nature decrees for most of its creatures, is one of intense activity and planning. How do we get up for it? First, the pilgrimage. I drove up to camp on a bright Saturday in January. The snow had melted sufficiently to permit walking around the grounds, but there was a smooth white blanket over the lake, fields, and court, and the eaves of the buildings were crystal as water dropped from huge icicles. Out of a cloudless sky the brilliant sun bounced off the white buildings and provided almost a visible warmth. A two-hour walk left one at peace with the world, awestruck at the beauty of the camp, and wishing that the day could be shared by all. Second, the reaffirmation of goals and values. It comes from you—from those of you who have cared enough to make suggestions for improvements; from all of you who have written and phoned; from the visits made to new campers and to returning campers; from letters and meetings with counselors and former counselors. The realization of the importance of Scatico in the lives of so many people places a heavy responsibility on all of us involved with making camp worthy of the task.

We have just finished the outward voyage in time, arriving at the five months preceding the start of the camp season, and Scatico ‘74 promises to be the most exciting and rewarding of all. Challenges? Plenty of them: shortages, conflicting values, inflationary prices [remember, this was 1974]—but as long as people have to live in groups, want to gain in self-confidence, grow in skills, and appreciate the difference in others there is a need for Scatico. We’re ready, eager, and able. Join us. 

 First day of Tribes with Chloe, Laine, Emily, Emma, and Alli 


First day of Tribes with Chloe, Laine, Emily, Emma, and Alli 

Home Sweet Home (when not in Elizaville) 

Here’s our annual look at where campers live during the other 10 months (2016 enrollment as of January 1): 

  • Westchester                                  28.8%
  • New York City                               16.0%
  • New Jersey (not 201 area code)   13.2% 
  • New Jersey (201 area code)         12.4% 
  • Long Island                                   10.4%
  • Connecticut                                    7.2%
  • Other*                                             4.7%
  • International                                   3.1%
  • Metro DC/Balt.                               2.7%
  • Florida                                            2.4%

*Other includes Upstate New York, Michigan, North Carolina, Colorado, California, and Pennsylvania.. 

Wha's Happenin'?

Welcome to the second Wha’s Happenin’? column of the 2015-16 off-season. For future issues, send along all Scatico news, non-news, and photos to

Jeff, Cory, Shay and Ethan

Jeff, Cory, Shay and Ethan

Matt, Violet and Sophie 

Matt, Violet and Sophie 

As always, we’ll start with Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes), and clearly a bumper crop over the last few months…. Cheering on the Mets at Citifield this fall: Matt Stutman, Sophie Stein, and Violet Cooper; brothers Jeffrey and Ethan Rosenberg, Cory Schwartz, and Shay Rubinson; and (by far our favorite RSS this issue) Jack Wasserman with a Jumbotron IDing of Milo Crosby. As Jack explained,"I recognized him by his orange wig." (Yes, we consulted with the rules committee and this counts as an RSS. )


Other RSSes: Bunkmates Emma Hochberg and Maya Miller played against each other in a Halloween softball tournament (photo shows Emma catching and Maya batting)... On vacation, the Segal sisters (Jamie and Sydney) met Ben Abramowitz at a hotel in Nicaragua; and 2015 CITs Rebecca Harris and Ellie Klein had their RSS moment at an airport in Florida….

Emma and Maya 

Emma and Maya 

Rebecca and Ellie 

Rebecca and Ellie 

Sydney, Ben and Jamie 

Sydney, Ben and Jamie 

Sophie and Kasey

Sophie and Kasey

Sam and Jamie 

Sam and Jamie 

A November Bat Mitzvah in New Jersey unexpectedly connected Sophie Araten and Kasey Wilner … And, one final RSS, while playing an away match for her school tennis team, Jamie Silverman spotted divisionmate Samantha Derasse….

Josh and Tyler

Josh and Tyler

Other news (and non-news)…. Counselors Chase Madorsky (at UCLA) and Jon Gross (at Penn State) are both working in the sports departments at their colleges’ radio stations. Chase recently interviewed former Major League baseball player Brett Saberhagen (a 2-time Cy Young award winner) and Jon will be doing play-by-play for the Men’s varsity volleyball team this spring…. At Syracuse University in November to see a basketball game, 2016 sub-senior Josh Klafter visited counselors Ryan Kenny (his division leader last summer) and Josh Stuttman. He also sent in a photo taken pregame with Syracuse player Tyler Lydon. Tyler is an Elizaville native and a cousin to Scatico caretaker Teddy Lydon….

Ellis and Tyler

Ellis and Tyler

A shout-out to siblings Andrew and Lauren Kassin, who were featured in a recent issue of “Time for Kids: Your $.” The magazine highlighted their volunteer work helping physically and mentally challenged children play sports…. Bunkmates Ellis Zuckerman and Tyler Winderman played for separate travel teams at a fall baseball tournament on Long Island. Although their clubs never matched up, they still had time for a Newsletter photo….

Rebecca, Izzy, Samara and Lily 

Rebecca, Izzy, Samara and Lily 


Definition of a perfect fall day? How about a road trip to walk around camp, with dinner at Sal’s and ice cream at Holy Cow? 2015 CITs Rebecca Harris, Izzy Rosen, Samara Edelson, and Lily Recht perfectly executed that exact game plan (sending in the picture to the left)…. On a recent trip to Madison Square Garden, Brett Bockstein made sure to take a photo of himself next to the Walk of Fame plaque of Scatico founder Nat Holman. Once inside the rotunda, you can find a photo of Nat from 1925, in his uniform (now displayed in the Admin building) as captain of the Original Celtics…. When Jane Rosenfeld’s Kenyon College acapella group performed recently in New York City, a large contingent of Scaticonians turned out for the show. 

Brett at MSG

Brett at MSG

Jane and her fans

Jane and her fans

Recent divisional get-togethers....

2015 Debs at Molly Rusoff’s Bat Mitzvah and then at the post-party sleepover at Sophie Stein’s house; 2015 Soph Boys at a Gaga Center.

Survey Says…

Thanks to all who returned the summer of 2015 camper surveys. Below, we share your Favorite Meals, Favorite Activities, and Favorite Specialty Activities.

Fishing with Landon, Jake, Alec, and Josh

Fishing with Landon, Jake, Alec, and Josh

Favorite Meals

Boys                                 Girls

Chicken Patties               Chicken Patties       Pizza                                Quesadillas              Tacos                               Pizza                       Grilled Cheese                 Grilled Cheese       (w/tomato soup)            (w/ tomato soup)

Sailing with Jack and Asher

Sailing with Jack and Asher

Favorite Activities

Boys                                     Girls         

"Top Chef" cooking competition with Sam and Emi

"Top Chef" cooking competition with Sam and Emi

Tennis                              Cooking                 Rec Hoops/Basketball     Swimming               Slapball                            Tennis                     Softball/Baseball            Keeper of the Castle Fishing/Outdoor              Basketball               Adventure                                                         Slamma Jamma                Soccer                     Woodshop                         Climbing                  Archery                             Ceramics

Favorite Specialty Activities

Boys                                       Girls

Color War                           Color War                           Twilight League                Tribes                                   Minicamp                           Minicamp                         College Bowl                      Big Trip                               Big Trip                            Divisional Sing

On each side of camp, more than 50 different activities received votes! 


February—Summer Forms: Clothing List, Shipping and Luggage, Health Histories, Horseback Riding, Transportation, Camper Confidentials, Permissions 

April—Parents’ Handbook: Information to get you ready for the summer of 2016, including details on Opening, Visiting, and Closing days. 

Celebrating July 4th with Ryan and Mo

Celebrating July 4th with Ryan and Mo

Mark Your Calendars 

 Open House: Saturday, June 11                                                                                            Opening Day: Saturday, June 25                                                                                          Visiting Day: Saturday, July 16                                                                                                Scatico-In-Training: Sunday, July 24, to Saturday, July 30                                              Closing Day: Saturday, August 13

Coming Soon to a Camp Near You… Building campfires and hiking along the Hudson River. 



Read More
Camp Scatico Camp Scatico

Fall 2015, Edition 96, Issue #1

Always thinking I’m braced and ready, just how suddenly summer ends on Closing Day never ceases to surprise me with the stark contrast between camp and not camp. Daily sounds of campers and staff—laughter, games being played, singing,...—instantly giving way to the near-silence of the wind in the trees and the eerie sense that you can still hear a faint bugle call lingering in the air.

News from Elizaville... Changing seasons! 

Always thinking I’m braced and ready, just how suddenly summer ends on Closing Day never ceases to surprise me with the stark contrast between camp and not camp. Daily sounds of campers and staff—laughter, games being played, singing,...—instantly giving way to the near-silence of the wind in the trees and the eerie sense that you can still hear a faint bugle call lingering in the air.

One immediate sign that summer has ended and our campers returned to
their “other” homes is the quick emergence of several families of wild turkeys
(seen most often on the girls athletics fields and the boys ballfields). Scatico’s very own bald eagle, who kept a somewhat low profile this past season (unlike the heron living on the lake) is spotted several times a week. A wildebeest-like herd of deer race along the edge of the Sunset Trail at dusk (okay, maybe 10 isn’t a herd). The trees that somehow refused to yield any green through the end of September are transformed magically into a rainbow of colors during the first week of October.

Fortunately, camp tenaciously keeps its hold. Returned surveys arrive daily stirring memories of favorite activities and special events. Reports of off-season Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes —see the “Wha’s Happenin’”column on page 2) the simple joy in running into a fellow Scaticonian away from our Elizaville home. Equally fun is the process of starting to ramp up for the 2016 season: visiting and welcoming first-time campers; program- planning with returning staff; creating (and beginning work on) the off-season project list....

In this last category, we are most excited by designs for a new outdoor theatre with seating (enough for the entire camp) built directly into the sloping hillside to the right of the tree-lined road as you head towards the dining room from the canteen. The stage will sit out the base of the hill, slightly above (and to the Pagoda side) of the gap in the woods that leads to the lake path. (We’ll share an architectural sketch in the next issue of the Camper Newsletter along with other program and facility plans for next season). We envision future summer evenings, the camp assembled for a play or talent show, the sun setting over the lake....

Somehow, by fondly remembering the summer past, mixed in with a few well-timed RSSes, and thoughts about what’s to come during the summer of 2016, we will manage to bridge the “10 for 2.” Pretty soon, the wild turkeys will grudgingly yield the Hill and ballfields to the sounds of campers and staff—laughter, games being played, singing,... 


Scatico CITs traveled to the Dominican Republic to run a 1-week day camp for The DREAM Project ( You can still read the blog from the service trip in the Media Section at and plans are underway to re-create the memories and magic with the 2016 CITS.
Above left and right: Ellie helps with an art project; Alex organizes a game.                    Below: 
one of the four Color War teams (Yellow Fish) from the final day of activities. 

Wha’s Happenin’? 


Welcome to the first “Wha’s Happenin’ ?” column of the 2015-16 off-season. For future issues, send along all Scatico news, non-news, and photos to

                               Ella and Jordan

                               Ella and Jordan

As always, we’ll start with Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes).... Ella Simons and Jordan Klein (from neighboring New Jersey towns) were thrilled to discover they had a Scatico teammate when their fall baseball season started. Jordan made the connection when he spotted Ella’s older brothers Brett and Jared at a game. Ella’s dad is one of the coaches.... Kates Pargament and Metzendorf were on their way to a day in the sun on a Long Island beach when they ran into bunkmate Emma Krasner in a deli....

Emma, Kate and Kate

Emma, Kate and Kate

Tyler Winderman (cheering on Rye) and Jamie Rosh (cheering on Armonk) spotted each other in the stands of a girls’ high school soccer game.... Milo Crosby and Shay Rubinson spotted each other at a postcamp Mets’ game.... Finally, Irwin Schwartz may just have set (or tied or come close to) a Scatico RSS record with 3 in one week (2 in one afternoon). Walking the streets of Manhattan’s Upper West Side in September he has connected with campers Dylan Patterson, Dylan Schmeidler, and Jacob Schiff. Irwin and bunkmate Jack Wasserman (winner of the 2015 Boys Side Gong Show with his now-legendary Karate Act) got together for an NYC playdate and sent in the photo below....

Tyler and Jamie

Tyler and Jamie

Irwin and Jack

Irwin and Jack

Jeffrey, Ross, Branden, and Cory

Jeffrey, Ross, Branden, and Cory

Other news (and non-news).... Some Queens out- ings for Scatico sports fans: Jeffrey Rosenberg, Ross Markowitz, Branden Rothenberg, and Cory Schwartz met up at a late-August Mets’ game; three sets of siblings (Kate and Julie Greeley, Josh and Amanda
and Jamie and Max Silverman) connected for a long day of tennis-watching at the U.S. Open.... Congratulations to Addison Marques. Returning home to Florida after camp, she finished in 1st place in her first competitive swim race (outside of Color War and Tribes), a 50-yard freestyle.... “The Secret Lover” — a screenplay written by Media Department Head John Hickey—was a Top 10 finisher from among thou- sands of entries in the annual Scriptapalooza Competition (

Greelys, Klafters and Silvermans

Greelys, Klafters and Silvermans



Only a few weeks into his freshman year at Penn State, basketball counselor Jon Gross is al- ready working “on air” for the sports department of the University’s radio station. To open the football team’s season in a game versus Rutgers, he did a podcast and helped with a pregame show... First bunk reunion of the year? Not everyone could attend, but 8 Inters did make it to Alexa Gluckstal’s pool party in late August (see photo below).

               Pool party! Inter girls reunion 

               Pool party! Inter girls reunion 

Thanks for staying in touch! Send news, non-news, and photos (no non-photos)  for the Winter issue of the Camper Newsletter to 

Last night of camp blues? You may not be able to re-create fully the banquet, awards ceremony, and camp- fire at home, but you can watch the closing-night Slideshow and Video Yearbook by clicking here. Dim the room lights and pretend you’re lying on the Pavilion floor.... 

For Parents. 

Thanks to all of our families who took advantage of the early enrollment discount period. Our camper return rate for 2016 already exceeds 90 percent (including 4 divisions with 100 percent returns). Parent Bulletins starting in November will walk you through the process of getting ready for the summer, but don’t hesitate to contact us directly with any questions along the way. Finally, if you are ever in the Elizaville area during the off-season and are thinking of stopping by camp, campers love seeing their second home during different seasons—fall foliage ringing the lake or along the tree-lined road; snow on the golf course for sledding;... You get the idea. Just let us know when you’d like to make the pilgrimage. 

Scatico Traditions we know and love.... Left—the Upper Seniors run the Haunted House at the Carnival (and prove this year that circuses gone bad are indeed very scary); Right—the girl campers light their candles at the Opening Night campfire.  

A Shout-Out..

 to sisters Kasey and Sam Wilner (and mom and dad Ellen and Steve) who organized a Scatico team in the annual Central Park “Race Against Time” for Charley’s Fund (to help find a cure for Duchene muscular dystrophy). Other participating camps included Androscoggin, Tripp Lake, and Romaca. All told, the 2015 Race Against Time campaign has raised more than $250,000. Anyone interested in joining the team next fall (or would still like to make a contribution to the Scatico team for this year’s campaign) can contact Ellen at 

We do “love hiking in the Hudson Valley”  

—especially favorite Scatico trails along Breakneck Ridge and Bonticou Crag. The sign below you can now find atop Beacon Mountain, recognizing Scatico’s help in sponsoring the restoration of a fire tower. We hope to add this hike to the mix in 2016 as there is some Breakneck -esque scrambling leading to spectacular views of the Hudson River. 




  • Survey Results: This is a last call for camper and staff surveys... Favorite meals? Activities?

    Things you like best about Scatico? Suggestions for 2016? If you haven’t returned your survey yet, there’s still time.

  • News from Elizaville: We will bring you up to date on completed fall projects and plans for next season. 

Summer Scenes (and to be repeated in 2016).... Top—boys Nat Holman basketball captains lead the team through “The Tunnel” to a first-round game; Left—the Soopers have finished the Tribes’ plaques and the teams get their first viewing in the girls’ Social Hall. Right- Jinters Lexi Schwartz and Sadie Vandercar sing at the 4th of July Talent Show. 

Mark your calendars 

Open House: Saturday, June 11

Opening Day: Saturday, June 25

Visiting Day: Saturday, July 16

Scatico-In-Training: Sunday, July 24 to Saturday, July 30

Closing Day: Saturday, August 13  

Read More
Camp Scatico Camp Scatico

Spring 2015, Edition 95, Issue #3

The Doppler Effect (without delving too deeply into the science) explains why the sound of an approaching object (like a train whistle) seems to rise in pitch. Also created is an illusion that the speed of the object in question (the train) appears to be accelerating. At Scatico, we have our own magical Doppler Effect—but on a temporal (referring to both time and loftier matters) plane. 

News from Elizaville...The Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect (without delving too deeply into the science) explains why the sound of an approaching object (like a train whistle) seems to rise in pitch. Also created is an illusion that the speed of the object in question (the train) appears to be accelerating. At Scatico, we have our own magical Doppler Effect—but on a temporal (referring to both time and loftier matters) plane. As the Opening Day of each camp season approaches, time seems to move faster—each day packed with more preparations, anticipation, and excitement.     

During a recent week in Elizaville, 7 different outside contractors were in camp, working on a range of projects, including: a new dock system on boys’ side; replacing the girls’ campfire circle; re-surfacing 5 basketball and 11 tennis courts; planning for a new walk-in refrigeration unit in the main kitchen; adding permanent shaded seating areas to the girls’ athletics fields and tennis courts; masonry work on the front gate and Admin porch; and bathroom renovations in 2 camper cabins, the Canteen, and the shower house on girls’ back campus. Teddy and Scott and the rest of the full-time maintenance staff have been busy painting buildings, staining/sealing picnic tables, seeding and mowing lawns and fields, and completing a myriad other jobs on the 2015 “Do List.”  Things definitely seem to be accelerating….  

Even more exciting, we have loved hearing from so many campers and staff who are eagerly looking forward to spending another  (or a first) summer at Scatico. The train is roaring into the station.

For Parents

By now you should have received… everything! These are the forms that we need to have prior to Opening Day:

  • Enrollment Form
  • Medical
  • Confidential Form
  • Signature sheet                                                                  If you are missing any of the above, you can find them under Forms  (there is also a link to the Packing List).

         The Parents Handbook mailed in April will help get you ready for the summer—with everything you need to know on a range of topics from Opening and Visiting Days to Homesickness and Phone Calls.

We recommend that all first-year campers (including SITs) attend the June 13 Open House at camp (12:30 to 3:30PM). It’s a great way to meet future bunkmates and counselors. We will have a BBQ, a meet-and-greet for parents, and activities for campers. 

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Above—Scaticonians came together to bake cupcakes and raise funds for Research for the Cure, a charity founded by Scatico alumnus Elyssa Schecter and her husband Jack in 2007: Poppy Vallario, Lulu Rubin, Nancy Kleiner, Jack Kleiner, Nicole Rubin, Charlie Rubin, Dusty Fox, and Sue Wolfin.


Doppler Effect Part 2 Clearly, the temporal Doppler Effect re-sets on Opening Day and begins anew to accelerate time—in this instance towards the end of camp. The full, steady pace of the first weeks and then…. Hmmm… Better save this—a perfect subject for a late summer campfire speech. 

Scatico Artists Congratulations to Ceramics Head Ken Vallario and Website Photgrapher Taylor Cha on recent art shows. Ken’s paintings were exhibited in a solo show at the Central Booking Gallery in Manhattan in May; Taylor, a graphic artist who also runs a comic book workshop for children, had a solo show at The Enchanted Café in Red Hook, NY, in April.   

Wha’s Happenin’?      

The final Wha’s Happenin’ column of the 2014-15 off-season! As always, we like to start with reports of Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes)…  RSS furthest distance ever from Elizaville? Counselor Jon Gross and 2014 Senior Noah Wagner  ran into each other in Jerusalem. Jon recently returned from two weeks in Poland and Israel for March of the Living, a program for 12,000 high school seniors from around the world. Jon’s former bunkmate Sam Lippman was also on the trip with his school….  Assistant head counselor and baseball director Cory Schwartz spotted Andrew and Larry Bialek at an Islanders’ playoff game…. Office manager Ketti Krieger and sisters Ally and Sarah Feldman met at a mall in Boston (where both families were on vacation)…. Amanda Nivasch and cousins Emma and Carly Rosh were excited to see girls head counselor Kerri Winderman at a recent Bar Mitzvah. It turns out that while the girls are friends with the Bar Mitzvah boy from home, Kerri and the boy’s mom are friends from college…. Ryan Lapatine and Lauren Kassin connected at a Delray Beach, FL, mini-golf course during February break…. Ashley Mazarin and Marly Fass had an RSS-moment during a Knicks’ game in January…. Counselor Emma Bochner  and sisters Kate and Jane Greeley saw each other at a Newark Airport terminal in February….  

Other Scatico news… Counselor Chase Madorsky was the guest writer for The Lohud Yankees Blog (with an article on Thurman Munson). Chase, a UCLA freshman, also hosts a weekly sports radio show on the campus station… Jenna Fass and Cassidy Ditkoff  are competitive dance team-mates….  Congratulations to 2014 Baseball Counselor (and former camper) Charlie Kramer—who will be dreaming the dream. This summer he will pitch for the La Rochelle (France) Admirals of the Collegiate Baseball League Europe….  Melanie Krieger and her mom Ketti met Houston Rocket Patrick Beverly as part of the NBA’s All Star Weekend in New York City. Patrick visited the school where Ketti teaches as part of a Fitness Day….  Simon Mandel attended the New Year’s Eve hockey game between the Rangers and the Panthers (in Florida) with bunkmates Brian and Ryan Schindler…. One month later, Simon and his sister Sarah cross-country skiied with cousins Ben and Lucy Mandel at one of Scatico’s favorite hiking locations: The Mohonk Preserve…. Brothers and sisters—Samara and Ethan Edelson skied with Jake and Sadie Vandercar in Park City, UT….  2014 Soph Logan Cooper did a school project on Scatico founder (and Hall of Fame basketball player and coach) Nat Holman….  New Jesrey native Rachel Karlin is busy. She swam with bunkmate Courtney Lesser in Florida and then joined Kate Metzendorf’s Westchester soccer league team for a game…. “This baby-sitter looks familiar,” must have been what Brett Bockstein said when his 2014 counselor Josh Trichon reported to duty. Brett’s younger brother Jesse will be a 1-week camper this year….  Thanks for staying in touch! Next stop Elizaville….

Survey Says...

(more results from 2014 Camper Surveys)

Favorite Meals

Girls Side

  • Quesadillas
  • Chicken Patties
  • Pizza
  • Steak
  • Tacos
  • Grilled Cheese/Tomato Soup

Boys Side

  • Chicken Parries (What a surprise!)
  • Pizza
  • Steak
  • Grilled/BBQ Chicken
  • Thanksgiving Dinner (Turkey)
  • Tacos

Happy Birthday!!!!

March: Ben Bochner, Jeffrey Rosenberg, Allie Burrows, Max Leibowitz, Alexa Schwartz, Jamie Rosh, Ryan Derasse, Sammy Wolfin, Emma Georger, Marlee Georger, Amanda Nivasch, Nicholas Mozga, Cameron Au, Lulu Rubin, Rachel Karlin, Hayden Meisner, Jacqueline Karlin, Brett Bockstein, Randy Au, Charlie Bochner, Andrew Nathin, Jamie Segal, Oz Rubinson, Sam Meltzer, Charlie Berch, Bukola Onus, Eliska Vondrackova, Katherine McDermott, Manon Harry, and Adam Wright

April: Ben Wolfin, Megan Madison, Aidan Lapatine, Caroline Graf, Courtney Lesser, Ryan Kenny, Quinn Croland, James Clendenin, Moises Torres, David Peirce, Matt Gross, Emma Hochberg, Jayson Pinals, Jordyn Jacobson, Pete Klafter, Daniel Kovacs, Jenna Fass, Sadie Vandercar, Samara Edelson, Logan Cooper, Matt Stuttman, Maya Miller, Louis Valdivia, Luke Haworth, Lindsey Sherman, Jon Harris, Kate Rosenfeld, Max Pace, Dylan Patterson, Kerri Winderman, Eric Mergenthaler, Nikolett Molnar,  Hailey Gelbert, Jessica Wright, Dusty Fox, Matt Libo, Noah Rosenthal, Siobahn Soole, and Noah Leibowitz

May: Mac Cooper, Emmett Miller, James Wexler, Ethan Libo, Adam Stiefel, Lauren Rosh, Ryan Lapatine, Amanda Hartstein, Ian Patterson, Amanda Klafter, Nick Goodacre, Emma Miller, Chloe Cueff, Andrew Perlman, Rachel Waxenberg, Marly Fass, Sam Ranzer, Mason Lava, Judit Sallai, Josh Weinstein, Dominika Haag, Jon Leibowitz, Daphne Zuckerman, Jonah Levine, Jake Vandercar, Hannah Holden, Irwin Schwartz, Rachel Trichon, Dave Corder, Val Wendover, Jane Greeley, Andras Fekete, Lauren Hartwich, Jasper Lilienfeld, Michael Schecter, Milo Crosby, Emily Ranzer, Maggie Berch, Meryl Cooper, Maya Schachnovsky, Josh Stuttman, Sam Lippman, Juliett Nemeth, and Christian Bobo

Pre-Camp June: Ben Holzer, Justin Zucker, Cole Goldberg, Delia Pace, Joanne-Mann Vitolo, Ketti Krieger, Ethan Edelson, Stella Werther, Ella Simons, Jeremy Reissman, Alison Foster, Billie Eichel, Lucy Mandel, Charlotte Dorn, Daria Adamenko, Matt Schumer, Anna Rosenfeld, Ben Pace, Landon Krane, Kate Greeley, Seth Margolin, Jack Kleiner, Sophie Araten, Carmen Murga, Scott Howard, Leah Zerwitz, Liam Duffy, Ethan Rosenberg, Max Goodman, Tori Madison, Caroline Knop, Eugeni Titkov, Orsolya Zambo, Peter Makuch,  Jack Bressman, Shannan Randall, and Kiersten Barr

2014 Centers

2014 Centers

2014 Inters

2014 Inters

Scatico Birthday Celebrations

Below—the 2014 SITs got together for a  Cooking Party with Chef Ally at Charli Greer’s; Top Left—2014 Centers with Emma Miller at LUSH NYC; Top Right- 2014 Inters join Lauren Kassin (with a celebrity guest appearance by counselor Mandy Gerzog)

2014 SITS

2014 SITS

Welcome to Scatico Class of 2015!

 Welcome to one of our largest group of first-year campers in recent memory:

Boys Side: Henry Max, Derrick Goodman, Jack Wasserman, Jake Fishkin, Michael Schecter, Oz Rubinson, Aaron Goldberg, Josh Mazarin, Jesse Bockstein, Aidan Lapatine, Dylan Schmeidler, David Peirce, Jasper Lillienfeld, Ethan Rotko, Leonard Roses, Rowan Schodek, Sam Meltzer, Pablo del Campo, Alex Raphael, Ben Raphael, Milo Crosby, Carlos Canoyra, Bart Turri, David Schecter, and Antonio Canoyra.

Girls Side: Maya Polay, May Chechick, Sarah Moyal, Meryl Cooper, Fallon Krane, Tori Madison, Jessica Hochberg, Delia Pace, Carson Lava, Avery Lesser, Emily Ranzer, Lucia Beban, Charlie Berch, Maggie Berch, Poppy Vallario, Megan Madison, Alexa Gluckstal, Maya Schachnovsky, Carmen Murga, and Sydney Anish.

Soon to be seen at a camp near you... Divisional Sings and Opening Campfires

Going for a 3-Peat!

2015 Upper Seniors will defend their title in the Synchronized Dance Competition.
















Read More
Camp Scatico Camp Scatico

Winter 2014-15, Edition 95, Issue #2

First the leaves and then the snow. Fallen. Standing on the dock at the girls waterfront, you can see clear through the ridge of trees across the lake to the boys lower hill cabins and social hall. Camp is eerily quiet. Darkness descends by 5PM. 

News from Elizaville

First the leaves and then the snow. Fallen. Standing on the dock at the girls waterfront, you can see clear through the ridge of trees across the lake to the boys lower hill cabins and social hall. Camp is eerily quiet. Darkness descends by 5PM.

Though the still air of hibernation seems to blanket camp, work continues unabated throughout the off-season. On the building front, plans are in place for a new boys side dock system and a new camp- fire site on girls side. Other projects include the construction of shad- ed seating areas for the girls tennis courts and athletics fields as well as bathroom renovations in several camper cabins. Programmatically, the CIT trip will now include a strong service component as Scatico partners with The Dream Project ( Chaperoned by Diana, Nicki, and other Scatico staff, the group will travel to Cab- arete in the Dominican Republic to help run a 1-week day camp for 8 to 11-year-olds. Prior to departure, the CITs will plan the program (so expect a few Scatico wrinkles from songs to Color War novelties). We are excited by the enthusiasm and support of the parents and CITs committed to sharing “camp” as we know it with children out- side of the Scatico community.

Site development and maintenance plus program planning are just part of the off-season work. As always with camp, the most im- portant ingredient is people. With our staffing and camper enrollment nearly completed, we look forward to that moment on Opening Day when the entire community magically comes together at the first din- ner line-ups. In the next issue of the newsletter, we’ll welcome be- come back (and welcome to Scatico) key members of our leadership team. Best wishes for a wonderful start to 2015! 

Home Sweet Home

(when not in Elizaville)

Here’s our annual look at where campers live during the other 10 months:

  • Westchester - 28.8%
  • New York City - 16.0% 
  • New Jersey (not 201 area code)-  13.2%
  • New Jersey (201 area code)12.4%
  • Long Island 10.4%
  • Connecticut 7.2%
  • Other* 4.8%
  • Metro DC/Baltimore 4.4%
  • Florida 2.8%

*Other includes Upstate New York, Michigan, Massachusetts, California, Pennsylvania, France, and Spain. 

2015 Upper Seniors & Soopers Reunion

Thirty-eight of 43 graduating campers-to-be attended. Is it our imagination or does it seem like they just completed their Jinter and Soph summers? 

Best Pumpkin 2014

This is the work of Josh Mazarin, who will start his Scatico career in 2015 as a 1-week camper in the Scatico-in- 

Wha’s Happenin’?

Welcome to the second Wha’s Happenin’ ? column of the 2014-15 off-season. For future issues, send along all Scatico news, non-news, and photos to

As always, we’ll start with Random Scatico Sightings (RSSes).... While watching his older sister Samantha compete in a fall cross country meet, Ryan Derasse spotted Jack Klafter (representing a different school)... Kate Metzendorf ran into Lauren Wang (one of her 2014 Center counselors) at a store in Rye, NY... Sisters Emilie and Charlotte Dorn met Lily Tepper at an Ardsley versus Fieldston football game... 2014 boys soccer director Matty Carroll checked in from London, where Sarah McKenzie (2013 ceramics head) is one of his roommates in a shared house. Matty recently boarded a London bus and found himself sitting next to fellow counselor Angeli Patel....

A Bat Mitzvah of mutual friends (not quite certain of all the connections) brought together Scaticonians Kerri Winderrman, Daphne Zuckerman, Ka- sey Wilner, and Ally Lipton... A second RSS for Daphne who (with her brother Ellis) saw counselor Jess Wayne (and her younger brother Zach— who did not make the photo) while the families were on a vacation cruise in December... It’s been a busy few Scatico months for Mackenzie Press (also with 2 RSSes). First, visiting Lafayette College, she met sisters Rebecca and Elizabeth Kane (also touring), and then, with mom Patti (Scatico’s head nurse), posed for the photo to the left with Cooper Gottfried, following separate bas- ketball practices at a facility in Westchester. Unfortunately, the photo just below, with Scatico doctor Eric Strauss is not a RSS. Mackenzie (MVP of the winning girls 2014 Nat Holman tournament team) tore her ACL playing basketball in late November. Dr. Strauss (as surgeon) to the rescue! A full recovery is expected (maybe even by summer).... Other (non- RSS) news... When Elliott Greenblatt traveled from West Hartford to play in a basketball game in Newtown, CT, his bunkmate Jacob Schumer came to cheer him on.... Jamie Silverman, Sophie Blu- menfeld, and Emily Mester participated this fall in The Color Run in Brooklyn (called “The Happiest 5K on the Planet”—celebrating healthiness, happiness, and individuality). As you run, you get doused with food coloring, so you look like a rainbow at the finish line. The girls’ team name? We Bleed Green!... 2014 Sub Junior division lead- er Sam Kuperman is the Sports Director at the Ithaca College radio station... On December vacation in Florida, bunkmates Jackie Karlin and Hayden Meisner got together for the photo op below.... When Floridians (and brothers) Asher and Jared Gornstein traveled to the DC-area this fall, they made sure to visit Asher’s bunkmates (and Maryland natives) Sam Ranzer and Max Goodman.... Speaking of Floridians heading north, when Addison Marques visited her cousins Dylan and Cole Goldberg over Thanksgiving, she celebrated the early snowstorm in true green-and-white fashion, providing the perfect photo to close this issue’s Wha’s Happenin’? column. 

Happy Birthday!!!!
December: Michael Fischgrund, Paulina Pham Van, Lucy Chestler, Tyler Winderman, John Hick- ey, Matt Watson, Ashley Mazarin, Samantha Salmirs, Viktoria Szabo, Natalie Mozga, Arielle Waxman, Alyssa Hartwich, Leia Pinals, Jessica Wayne, Mark Perlman, Jared Simons, Charlie Kramer, Danny Klyde, Emi Newman, Lilly Recht, Nicky Brown, Lauren Kassin, Kate Hecker, Andrew Bialek, Larry Bi- alek, Neil Schain, Mackenzie Press, Sydney Relkin, Ben Putzer, Gaby Phillips, Halle Phillips, Ben Abramowitz, Ally Lipton, Josh Mazarin
January: Mallory Gelbert, Asher Gornstein, Alex Jaramillo, Brian Chestler, Leah Kochen, Ben Mandel, Emma Bochner, Nile Cather, Pao Zapiola, Jack Heineman, Jake Mervis, Charli Greer, Billy Bernfeld, Viola Safronova, Henry Lilienfeld, Emily Goldner, Ross Markowitz, Branden Rothenberg, Jon Gross, Tom Gyori, Sam Kuperman, Hannah Schor, Hudson Burrows, Alexa Jacobson, Rebecca Skoller, Ulysse Cheyrou, Margaryta Syniakova, Carlos Calleja, Andrew Kassin, Laine Greissman, Bryce Holden, Jack Wasserman, Carson Lava, Jesse Bockstein, Barthelemy Turri
February: Isaac Greenblatt, Laurel Lowenthal, Molly Rusoff, Quinn Hood, Karlie Saed, Sarah Mandel, Vinod Dogra, Ellen Raimondo, Sophie Rosen, Zach Brody, Aidan Rogers, Callum Bell, Emilie Dorn, Brett Simons, Darren Sussman, Eli Herrnstadt, Steven Zucker, Ellis Zuckerman, Marley Vogel, Danny Perez, Jared Googel, Jared Gornstein, Sydney Segal, Daisy Gonzalez, Ellie Klein, Matt Cohen, Alec Vickers, Dave Brew, Cassidy Ditkoff, Allison Feldman, Parker Edelman, Marissa Stone, Tamas Szilagyi, Matt Heineman, Jack Klafter, Ryan Ditkoff, Emma Rosh, Poppy Vallario, Aaron Goldberg 

Survey Says...

Thanks to all who returned the summer of 2014 camper and counselor surveys. Below, we share your Favorite Activities. In the next issue of the Camper Newsletter, we take a look at results for Favorite Meals.

Favorite Activities


  • Slapball
  • Woodshop
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Street Hockey
  • Tennis
  • Football/NFL Combine
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Waterfront


  • Cooking
  • Tennis
  • Soccer
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Waterfront
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Crafts
  • Archery

Favorite Evening Activities 


  • Human Stratego
  • Twilight League (baseball)
  • Subs and Heroes
  • Capture the Flag
  • Soccer League
  • Downhill Tennis Baseball
  • Slamma Jamma 


  • Miss Ugly Contest
  • Scatico Playhouse
  • Divisional Night
  • Human Anagrams
  • “College” Leagues
  • Campfire
  • Color War Novelties 

For Parents

All parents (alumni and non-alumni alike) are in- vited to Scatico’s 95th Anniversary Celebration on August 2, from noon to 4PM. Unlike Visiting Day, campers will follow a regular program and eat lunch in the dining room. We will provide lunch to visitors at the canteen, there will be activity areas (including the waterfront) open in the afternoon, and then a final ceremony and birthday cake at 3:30PM.

Upcoming Parent Mailings February—Summer Forms: Clothing List, Shipping and Luggage, Health Histories, Horse- back Riding, Transportation, Camper Confiden- tials, Permissions
April—Parents’ Handbook: Information to get you ready for the summer of 2015, including de- tails on Opening, Visiting, and Closing days. 

Mark Your Calendar Open House:

Saturday, June 13 Opening Day: Saturday, June 27 Visiting Day: Saturday, July 18 Scatico-In-Training: Sunday, July 26, to Saturday, August 1 95th Anniversary Celebration: Sunday, August 2 Closing Day: Saturday, August 15 

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