Boys 2015 Color War

To the A Court!

It was a particularly eventful weekend at Camp Scatico, as boys Color War broke on Saturday afternoon with a specially designed raffle! Tradition usually has it that Color War breaks following dinner, but this summer we shook things up and announced boys side would be holding a raffle of customized Scatico swag at breakfast, lunch, snack time and dinner. Every one received a raffle ticket at each meal time, and each had an equal chance of taking home prizes (including a deck of cards featuring an aerial view of camp, a mug emblazoned with the road path, and Nat Holman luggage tags). The breakfast and lunch raffles went off with excitement, but nothing out of the ordinary, but at the snack time raffle one of the prize items was a large blanket stitched with a photograph of the boys A Court that read "Color War 2015." Well, everyone knew what that meant...


Tribes 2016 Has Begun!


Girls 2015 Color War