Summer 2016, Edition #3: July 6 - July 12
News from the 12523
From the season's first overnights and full camp tournaments, to cheering along a victorious girls' NAT team and dancing it up at DJ Pure, it has been a non-stop week at Camp Scatico. And as many catches, dives, cheers and dances we fit into 24 hours, summer always goes by in the blink of an eye. Hard to believe that next weekend is already Visiting Day, but in the meantime we have plenty to report on....
On and off the fields
Every day a new set of school buses are either leaving or entering Scatico's front gate headed for a wide array of tournaments. The boys hosted a going in to 10th tennis tournament and left with an overall 1st place plaque (special shoutout to Andrew Kassin and Jake Vandercar for walking away with a 1st place in doubles), while the girls who headed out to Timberlake for tennis came back with a few trophies of their own including ones for first place in both the silver and gold doubles bracket! At Camp Pontiac our boys' basketball team made it to the semi-finals and our under 5th boys baseball team went 1-1. Plus a shoutout to the first co-ed tourney of the summer! Boys and girls headed to Wah-Nee for a swim, congrats to Keira, Mason, and Bella for nabbing medals!
Girls side is in full force Tribes mode, with song and art prep and activities revving up as the second Tribes day approaches on Friday. During the first Tribes day the four teams competed in three periods of sports as well as a Swim Meet (a perfect way to cool off after a hot day) and then showcased their Graces, human pyramids and more at the first Tribal campfire. Racing Wind is currently in the lead, but it could be anybody's game by the time week 2 of events is through... Beyond all the competition the Scatico Playhouse also had its seasonal debut with the Centers and Inters performance of Grease that had us all singing along to "You're the One That I Want"... In ceramics instructor Natalie has been hard at work giving every girl an opportunity to master the wheel, while down in Arts n Crafts divisions have been making their own (very trendy) terrariums in mason jars, so that everyone can bring home a piece of Scatico.
On boys' side the annual full camp chess, archery, tennis, and 42 (a basketball shooting game) tournaments have started up (because there's nothing like a little inter-divisional competition) that are sure to bring a wide array of new Scatico champs... Tuesday brought the "Subs and Up Annual Tennis Extravaganza" where campers and counselors team up for a day on the tennis courts, with Luis Valdivia and tennis staff member Fernando García walking away with 1st place... Down in Woodshop the lower hill divisions have been busy on their group projects including lamps, mini bookshelves, and tic-tac-toe boards... Plus the CIT boys have been keeping things interesting with a unique set of optional periods, including a "ghost walk" through the admin building, and an "Around the Horn" sports moderating competition on back campus.
A day of baskets and beats
Any weekly recap would be incomplete without mention of the jam-packed, high-intensity of Monday, July 11th, when Scatico hosted both the annual girls NAT tournament and local music extraordinaire DJ PURE!
The girls NAT team pulled off two nail-biting victories in a tournament with four other camps on Monday, to win an overall 1st place! All of camp – from the youngest to the oldest, girls and boys (and Senior Staff too!!)– donned their Scatico green and rushed to the Pavilion to cheer along our team. The first game was a back and forth match throughout, but Scatico pulled through to win by 1 point in the last 19 seconds! In the finals, Scatico was up but Pontiac was able to tie the score with only 30 seconds left on the clock! We went into overtime not once, not twice but THREE times before securing a win by 6 points. The entire team played exceptionally, but major shoutouts to Sooper Sam Derasse for scoring the two nearly buzzer-beating baskets that put us back in the lead, team captain (and MVP) Emily Mester, and Halle Press and Emily Holzer our two youngest (and toughest) players!
Following the tournament both boys and girls campus headed back up to the Pavilion but for an entirely different purpose... DJ PURE! A musical talent discovered at a Kingston, NY restaurant, DJ Pure has been spinning tracks at Scatico for years and quickly become a fan-favorite. With a light show and hundreds of dancing campers, the Pavilion was transformed.
Divisional Updates
The Jinters and Juniors hosted an intercamp against Camp Kinder Ring (newcomb was the girls' favorite sport) and are also busy preparing for their Visiting Day drama performances!... The Inters had a full day at an away intercamp with Kinder Ring, but still had time this week for raspberry scone and crepe making at Cooking... The Centers not only had their overnight but also hosted an evening activity of paper bag dramatics where teams pull a situation (Bieber's birthday party, the birth of a royal princess), a time period, an accent, and a location out of separate hats and have to throw together a skit... The Debs are proud to announce they won the Friends Plaque and had the second overnight of the season down at the campfire site... The Subs have declared Yoga with Alex their new favorite activity and started auditions for their play "Mary Poppins," slated as the Scatico Playhouse's next show... The Seniors had a Finding Dory theme day that featured fish-themed cupcake making, a lane swim, and a treasure hunt to (what else) Find Dory.. and The Soopers got into the "Hamilton" musical spirit and hosted an American Revolution theme day complete with a Boston tea party (where they actually drank tea), a treasure hunt to fund Betsy Ross's flag, and dressing up as their favorite founding father...
The Sophomores had a busy week, enjoying a "Superstars period," full of mini-competitions, heading out on their hike to Millbrook Mountain, and also to an intercamp with the Sub Juniors to Kenmont... The Sub Juniors participated in the first blind hike of the summer (campers are blindfolded for a nature walk/ team-building activity through camp) and also engaged in a little friendly competition with The Juniors in a Quiz Bowl trivia session ... The Juniors hosted Kenmont back at Scatico and played everything from baseball to soccer to flag football... The Inters participated in a "Sumo Wrestling" (aka pillow-shirt-stuffing) competition and also a 3 on 3 basketball tournament during which they won two games ... The Sub Seniors embarked on their hike to Bonticuo Crag and also played a heated game of "Gladiators" (involving throwing balls into trash bins set up and guarded throughout back campus)... The Seniors headed to Kenmont for a baseball game and also enjoyed an NFL combine event that included a tryout, interview (in a suit and tie!), and draft... and The Upper Seniors managed to find time amid all their haunted house prep in anticipation of The Carnvial (on Monday!) for their waterfront cookout and a game of full camp musical chairs (rather than a neat row, chairs are sprawled throughout boy campus!)