Virtual Scatico Announcement

To Our Scatico Family,

In times like these, we need our communities and support systems more than ever. We have been thinking of you, and of our favorite Scatico moments— walks along the tree-lined path, a jump in the lake on a super hot day, the crack of a softball off a bat in twilight league.

As Scatico, we always say we live 10 for 2… and we thought now would be a great time to bring that motto to (virtual) life. So every week we are going to celebrate a #ScaticoThursday with a different camp-focused activity, project, or moment of connection for us to take part in and share from our homes.

You can follow along on both our Facebook and Instagram pages, or we’ll also be posting all the calls to action and submissions here on our blog!

Even though we can’t physically be together, we can keep the magic of Scatico alive!


Virtual Art + Talent Show


Boys Color War!