Summer 2016, Edition #6: July 20 - August 3
It's been a busy two weeks at Camp Scatico, with Divisional Sings sung, Olympics played, Mini Camps enjoyed, Open Mic Night performed, and our Scaticonians in Training (SITs) and four-week campers departed. We try to cram in as much camp fun and action before Color War reigns supreme for the last week or so of summer (pretty hard to believe), and so there is lots to report on from the 12523.
Scatico has seen lots of Co-ed events these past days, with Olympics kicking things off in honor of the Rio Summer Olympics (luckily the Scatico variation was less fraught with infrastructural disaster). Boys and girls of all ages were combined and divided into "countries"– such as (gold and silver medalists) Jupiter and Direwolves– to compete in a series of events from Pictionary, to a a basketball-shooting contest, to throwing tennis balls into giant rocket ship looking tubes.
Can never go wrong with drawing a Chicken Patty.
Pictionary gets heated!
Welcome to the Scatico Gallery
At Scatico we are always looking to incorporate new traditions to add to the old, and our Second Annual Night of the Arts is a perfect example of how quickly successful new ideas can catch on. Spearheaded last summer by Arts Program head Ken Vallario, the 2016 Night of the Arts grew to even greater heights. Incorporating both a Scatico Gallery– where counselors and campers alike featured works ranging from sculptures and pottery, to paintings and collage– and an Open Mic night, it was one of those special full-camp activities that displayed many Scaticonians' previously unknown hidden talents. Shout outs to Noah Lowenthal, Nathan Koehler, Dylan Freeman and Katie Corren for winning "Golden Brushes," for their dedication and perseverance in making their artwork. Some highlight acts from Open Mic included a hilarious stand-up comedy routine from Jacob Schumer, dead-on impersonations from co-music head CJ Ditkoff, a dance from the SIT girls to Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood," and Jordan Klein's trumpet solo. It was the second time since 4th of July that both boys and girls gathered in the campitheater, and a few more weeks in to the summer the strengthening of divisional bonds and general comfort of first-time campers was palpable. We know the campitheatre is just getting started!
SIT girls take the stage
Campitheatre fills up for the Open Mic portion of the Art Show
"Nothing You Can Sing That Can't Be Sung"
Upper Seniors--their final Divisional Sing
Divisional Sing marks another watershed moment of the summer, and a time when girls camp and boys camp get together (separately) to showcase weeks worth of prep and rehearsal, and share the highlights of their summer via song. Counselors start writing and choosing Divisional Sing songs (which feature both a "fun" song, where the lyrics are changed to a known pop/ rock song, and a "folk song," which is a slower number sung in full) very early in the summer (maybe too early), and divisions get amped about their performance weeks in advance. On girls side divisions pick a theme that incorporates their name and usually involves an array of costumes and puns, while on boys side the more straightforward uniform of jeans/khakis and a T-shirt usually prevails. From misadventures on divisional hikes to tournaments won and divisional inside jokes, Sing lyrics always encompass the full range of Scatico experiences, and solidify a bond that only divisions can share.
The competition was tough this year, but on girls side the Soopers nabbed Upper Hill 1st place as the "Upper Soopers" (they adopted the clothes, and singing style of their male camper counterparts... to very hilarious results) and the Inters won 1st for Lower Hill (for their adorable and impressive performance as "The Interns"). On boys side the Sub Seniors walked away with 1st on Upper Hill (folk song--"Still Fighting It" by Ben Folds), and the Juniors for Lower (folk song--"The Climb" by Miley Cyrus).
The Sub boys wow at Sing
Subvivors waiting in the wings
The Interns sing out strong
Upper Soopers get into character
Bday Ball, Mini Camp, Tournaments and more!
These two weeks of camp have seen some real tournament highlights, starting with the entering 10th girls softball tournament at Timber Lake Camp where Scatico came in 1st! Eliana Pisetzner pitched a no hitter in the finals, aided by Daphne Zuckerman with some very impressive plays at second base. It was the first time the host camp hadn't won in 10 years, and it was quite the proud moment for all our Scatico Softball-ers... The entering 7th girls basketball team (which the entire Debs division was on) also made it to the finals, losing by only 3 points in their last game... A handful of campers headed out to the Dinsmore Golf Course to enjoy 9 holes with golf head Alan... The entering 8th boys hockey team won 1st place at their Berkshire Hills tournament, with a special shout out to Cooper Gottfried for scoring the game winning goal in the semis (capping a comeback from a 2-0 deficit)!
Mini-Camp is another high point of summer, giving both boys and girls the opportunity to take a break from a regular program day and throw themselves into an activity they are particularly passionate about. From a trip to a rock climbing wall, to cupcake making, sweat lodge building, a spa day, to building a deck on the wood shop, and more, it never fails to be a day of fun. This summer, some new mini-camp activities we added to the fan-favorites included Spy School and a Hamilton-themed art project.
This past week also featured girls Birthday Ball, where all of girls side is divided into seasons based on when their birthday is. This year's themes were Winter the Pooh, Springer Spaniels, Summer Lovin', and Fall Is Life, each with their accompanying decor and costumes. Plus on boys side T-League play-offs in basketball, soccer, and softball play-offs are fast approaching.
Senior girls at "Winter the Pooh" Bday ball prep
Plus we can't forget about our SITs! The youngest of Scatico's campers, the SITs cram a summer's worth of activities into merely one week. From the athletic fields to arts and crafts, swimming, nature, and making s'mores too, the SITs sample a little bit of everything that Scatico has to offer (even a trip to Holy Cow!). Plus one night they joined the Juniors, Jinters, Inters, Sophs, and Sub-Juniors for a night of bowling at Rollin' Lanes!
SITs go fishing
Lights, camera, action! Movie making with the media team.
Tis' the season for Big Trips! The Sophs, Sub Juniors and Juniors all embarked on their Big Trips, which incorporate one special activity, followed by a trip to the mall for dinner and the movies...The Sophs headed to Howe Caverns, exploring the many stalactites and stalagmites (plus one rock formation that looks like a mouse)... The Sub Juniors went to nearby water park Zoom Flume... and the Juniors traveled to the Basketball Hall of Fame, which honors member and Scatico co-founder Nat Holman!... The Inters whipped up some Chinese food in cooking (it's Chef Justin's specialty) plus held an NFL combine complete with draft and formal interviews... The Subs (still basking in their Berkshire Hills hockey victory) held a game of "underground hockey," which is played in the Social Hall with garbage cans, and also a game of water balloon dodgeball... The Seniors participated in a full on mystery day, staring with a 6 am wakeup to enjoy a game of softball before reveille blew, a waterfront cookout for breakfast, a blind hike through campus, and a mystery ride to the Mills Mansion... The Upper Seniors bob sled, luged, and scarfed Ben & Jerry's all the way through Lake Placid for three days! They also competed with the Seniors in the "Senior Cup," which involved games of basketball, football, soccer and dodgeball. The US won it all, except a notable Senior victory in football.
All smiles at the waterfront.
The girls had their fair share of Big Trips and events as well! The Juniors headed to a lighthouse on Wednesday, followed by a viewing of "The Secret Life of Pets,"... The Jinters also made the journey to Howe Caverns, followed by much time picking out Big Sister's small gifts at Claire's... The Inters embarked on their trip to a rock climbing gym, and also held their theme day of "Cupcake Wars," which involved decorating their own aprons and splitting into teams to cupcake battle it out.... The Centers got brave and challenged themselves during their big trip to a zip-lining course... The Debs headed to Catamount for a day on the ropes courses and also enjoyed a "Debtective" theme day complete with a mysterious scavenger hunt... The Subbies went to a production of "Into the Woods" and many of them also went on a Volleyball tournament at Kindering. Those subs that stayed behind at camp were able to turn the tables and give their counselors a blind hike... The Seniors enjoyed the dynamic duo of a buffet lunch at the Mohonk Mountain House and then trip to the town of Woodstock (they now proudly rock their long-sleeved red shirts)... The Soopers joined the Upper Seniors for their three-day trip to Lake Placid complete with Olympic Sports and Whiteface Mountain hikes, but are now fully consumed by preparing for Color War Sing!
Juniors just wanna have fun!
With less than two-weeks left of camp there is still plenty to look forward to. Keep an eye out for our final blog post later next week for a taste of all things COLOR WAR!