1, 2, 3, 4 We Have (Boys) Color War
Scatico got political on Saturday night and hosted its very own 2016 Presidential Debate, featuring candidates Patterson, Nathin, Kenny, Rosen and Baitch. Patterson, running on a farming platform, advocated for increased composting in the Dining Hall; Nathin and Kenny were our charismatic populists; Rosen (dressing-down in a white T) went for the more traditional stances; and Baitch was boy sides' independent. The five candidates went head-to-head while moderators John Gross and Chase Madorsky (both who work at their college radio stations in the off-season) threw some major curve balls (and even took questions from the audience). The final question, regarding a proposed destruction of the A-Court to accommodate more "housing," had the candidates thinking about all the major camp A-Court moments that would be missed (from the Boys NAT tournament, to "Meet the Counselor Night,") naming nearly everything except the obvious, which is.... splitting the teams for COLOR WAR! When the candidates finally all yelled it together, boys rushed to the A-Court for dodgeball and getting into green and grey.
From left to right: Candidates Patterson (Inter DL), Kenny (Sub Senior DL), Nathin (Junior DL), Rosen (Senior DL), and Baitch (Soph DL)
Find the full team lists below, and prepare for our final blog update on the 11th for a full Color War Recap.