Opening Day Thoughts from Cory
Opening day. It is the beginning of a journey. It is a long hard road to get here. For some it is a long travel, for some a first time through the gates, for some a recognition that this is the last dance. But for all, it is something special. I have been there, the night before, that nervous energy keeping you up late into the night, excitement, nervousness, where am I sleeping, who are my counselors, did I pack enough mad libs, is it chicken patties for dinner tomorrow…My family had the tradition of going to ihop every opening day morning. For me as I grew older it was making sure I had the perfect song queued up as I pulled off Jackson Corners Road exit to make that final 8-minute drive into camp. That unmatched feeling of finally arriving and pulling through the gates and knowing that I was home again.
Opening Night, 2017. Photo by Cory.
For the staff we have usually been at camp a week for orientation by the time opening day comes around. We have spent the week bonding and working on goals to accomplish for the summer. The talk is of adventure and what the summer could potentially look like, the reality in most of these discussions is that we are all awaiting the arrival of the purpose. We need the campers. The lifeline of the experience. The ones we are all waiting for.
As the cars trickle in, slowly at first, counselors finish hasty showers, and begin tucking in their white shirts for the last time that summer.
We all for the first time get to see the growth that has happened in the year since we last met here. The ten months have changed us all in our own ways. There are a lot of laughs and reunions. There is a lot of energy. There is nervousness, and some tears as I watch first year campers say goodbye to their parents. I can only guess there are also these same feelings on the other side of the dark windows as parents drive away.
The day is a manic one. A special thing to witness. It is the end and a beginning. White shirts and green shorts are now everywhere. Balls are flying and campus is packed with kids of all ages.
For the first time of the summer a bugle blows to indicate dinner is upon us. We all shuffle down to the mess hall. We all take our spots in the circle around the flagpole.
I watch from my spot in the middle. I see the youngest campers learning where they will lineup for the summer, knowing that in due time they will make their way around this circle. I look to oldest campers who will lead us this summer, I look all around the circle and I realize that we are all back home. And like that, we are off…
I am thinking of all the camp families today and I hope wherever you are, you are doing well.
To all the campers and staff, I am sending a big hello and I will miss all of you. Luckily for us the magic will never run out, so we’ll pick up right where we left off when the time comes.
- Boys Head Counselor, Cory Schwartz. 6.27.2020