Scatico Pen Pals

At camp we’ve had Camp Sisters, “Peanut” Pals, Kindness Day, and more… programs where random acts of kindness and small camp-themed surprises (bed signs, canteen candy, book and game swaps) brighten our summer days. Camp is also, usually, one of the only times of the year we actually write and receive letters!

While we may be missing mail addressed to the 12523 this summer, we can still keep the spirit (and that feeling of excitement when there’s a letter waiting for you on your bed) alive through Scatico Pen Pals!! Anyone who is interested can sign up using the form below, and then we’ll match you with a surprise Scatico Pen Pal (matches won’t be co-ed). We’ll then create a schedule— by this date send your Pen Pal a welcome letter, by this date your favorite candy, etc.— so you’ll be guaranteed to have a dose of camp in your mailbox all summer long!

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Use the form below to participate, and we’ll email people who their matches are by the first week of July.


Opening Day Thoughts from Cory


Opening Night Divisional Zooms