It's been a busy two weeks at Camp Scatico, with Divisional Sings sung, Olympics played, Mini Camps enjoyed, Open Mic Night performed, and our Scaticonians in Training (SITs) and four-week campers departed.
1, 2, 3, 4 We Have (Girls) Color War!
Summer 2016, Edition #5: CITs In the Dominican Republic
Summer 2016, Edition #4: July 13-19
It's been another busy week in the 12523, with Carnival, The Boys' NAT, a second Tribes day and Visiting Day all in the books. Visiting Day always marks a big milestone, serving as a reminder that the summer is moving way too fast. As exciting as it is to have a day to share all that's going on at Scatico with family and friends, there is still so much we can't quite articulate or explain.